How do I make my app a downloadable pc app

I'm trying to make it so I can use my app like any game I have on my desktop, but I'm unable to find any resources that would allow me to do this.

Have you tried emulators like MemuPlay?

I'm using the emulator bluestacks. I'm trying to find out how I can turn my app into a downloadable thing on my pc, like steam or the minecraft launcher.

App Inventor produces a compiled file called an apk. The apk can only be run on an Android device or an Android emulator like Bluestacks if you want to use the compiled app on a PC James.

To build Windows apps, use a compiler suitable for building Windows executables as indicated here> . Also google WIndows game compilers.

Good luck.

Do you know if there is something similar to app inventor but for windows? Building a PC application from blocks.

Similar @Patryk_F ? It depends on what 'similar' means... perhaps . This seems to be an 'add on' to Microsoft's commercial Windows programs. The propaganda says the product 'uses Blocks'

Anyone use this stuff or tried it? Looking at it, it appears the only thing similar is Blockly

Similar, i.e. the ability to build an .exe application running on windows, using blocks and the appearance designer. I looked at the links you gave, there is electronic programming and you still need to install some game, that's not the point. I'm looking for something to build an application and compile it on a PC without knowing any programming languages. And it's more about utility apps than games.