December 18, 2023, 5:21am
hello im a newbie. I want to make a cardview that shows what today's event is from the google calendar. I tried to use web viewer but it doesnt seem to do the job. The goal is to only show today
this extension maybe help you
This took me 9 weeks to make. Hope it saved some of your time!
[blocks (8)]
Please note that I am in a rush publishing this extension, and I did not cover the topic about permissions and the AIA file. It will be published in a week. Thanks!
Here is the first App Inventor extension for Google Calendars, with 60+ blocks.
Google Calendars is a complicated tool for App Inventor, unlike Google Drive, and you need to set up things like permissions for Apps Scri…
December 18, 2023, 11:04am
With a google apps script web app ?