How do you create table from Firebase JSON data?

Hi Everyone.
I have a JSON data from Firebase which is looked like this:
Cuplikan layar 2024-06-09 192529
How can I parse it and make a table from it? I want to create a table that looks like this:
Cuplikan layar 2024-06-09 194224
Thank you.

Provide, as text, the output from GotValue (or responseContent, whichever), then some one can show you how.

here is some snippet from the output from responseContent

  "1717828116": {
    "TDS": "1308",
    "Temperature": "24.94",
    "Water-Height": "0",
    "pH": "-0.35",
    "timestamp": "1717828116"
  "1717828176": {
    "TDS": "1296",
    "Temperature": "25.00",
    "Water-Height": "0",
    "pH": "-0.28",
    "timestamp": "1717828176"
  "1717828420": {
    "TDS": "0",
    "Temperature": "0.00",
    "Water-Height": "0",
    "pH": "0.00",
    "timestamp": "1717828420"
  "1717828478": {
    "TDS": "671",
    "Temperature": "25.25",
    "Water-Height": "0",
    "pH": "8.40",
    "timestamp": "1717828478"

Something like this:

parseJsonFromFB.aia (28.2 KB)

Note: if using GotValue from the Firebase blocks, your json may already be a json (not a string) so you may not need the JsonTextDecodeWithDictionaries block.

Credits @Kevinkun for the TableViewer extension

It's working! Thank you so much for your help.

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