How do you do this type of animation?

Hi everyone, how do I do this type of animation/gesture? I need it for a gallery app
Swipe card animation

Not seen anything specifically that does exactly what you want, but you may be able to combine a couple of extensions to get a similar effect (Phase,Pager,Repositioning,Overlay etc).

I tried this

But there is no scrolling animation, I would like to have a scrolling animation and is it possible? Thanks

This can be done with a canvas centered on the screen and four semi transparent sprites.

The canvas should have height and Width bigger than the screen.

Use z values to put sprites in front to back order.

Keep the four sprite components in a front to back list.

As you drag sprite in slot one off screen remove it from slot one and add it back onto the list at the end.

No extensions needed.


thank you so much

Here is a quick go at this:

canvasGalleryAnimation.aia (7.7 KB)



ok it works but why does the darker green square return forward when I drag it? shouldn't it go back to the list?

Not sure I understand?

The square at the top of the pile (dark green) can be dragged off left or right. The lighter green square behind it moves forward and resizes, then changes to dark green. The other squares "replace" what was in front of them.

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Let me explain better, when I drag the first square (the darker one) after finishing dragging it it becomes dark green again and as if when I finish dragging the app restarts i want that the square to loop to the bottom of the list once it's finished dragging I attach a video

I just copied what I saw in your first post...

Do you want it to work like a carousel, so the image at the front goes to the back ?

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Yes exactly thanks

Might just be easier:


Thanks that was just what i was looking for

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