How do you make a list from data coming from the Extension Google Sheets for AppInventor ReadRange


So I am trying to read and write a single cell and a range in Google Sheets. I was able to read the cells with App Inventor without using an extension no problem. When I write to a cell in App Inventor, Apps Scripts will show doPost failed in the executions section of Apps Scrips.So, I downloaded Google Sheets for AppInventor that TIMAI2 made. It works perfectly reading and writing to Google Sheets.

My problem is when I use my code to read the sheet. It downloads as a CSV and I know how to use that as a list. When I use the extension to ReadRange, I think it downloads as a JSON.stringify and I do not know how to use that as a list.

So I don't need to use my code to read cells and the extension to write cells. Can someone teach me to make a list out of the data received from the extension or tell me why I can read cells but not write cells using my code.

The code in Apps Script:

function doPost(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh = ss.getSheetByName(e.parameters.sheet);
var rng = sh.getRange(e.parameters.range);
return ContentService.createTextOutput('Cell ' + e.parameters.range + ' updated');

function doGet(e) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var sh = ss.getSheetByName(e.parameters.sheet);
var rng = sh.getRange(e.parameters.range);
return ContentService.createTextOutput('Cell ' + e.parameters.range + ' updated');

Keep in mind that when I send the data from App Inventor. Google Sheets knows I sent it but Status fails in the executions section of Apps Script.

This community discussion shows one way to convert a json to a csv. It might be helpful.

You know how to make a List from a csv.

The extension provides the following block to convert to an AI2 list



Thank you, and I seen that but to me the response App Inventor gave did not look like a lot of examples I seen on the internet about JSON files and I did come across that same discussion.

THANK YOU! I seen that block but did not know what useDefault meant and did not even cross my mind that it meant True or False.
I changed useDefault to False and nothing different happened. What does it mean?

My extension builder (IDE) required the useDefault clause for some reason. true is the best option.

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