How do you stop or deactivate mock location?

From this list... which string can stop or deactivate mock location... or kill background process...

I have app use locations censor but wont affect by fake gps...

Quote: "It's not possible to revoke permissions programmatically on either Android or iOS.
Once a permission is granted, only the user is able to do revoke it manually via the Settings app."

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Thanks for this information.... Its very usefull...
So the mock location cannot be disable by program...

Otherwise, is there any chance to get information that mock location is enable or disable?


There is a way to revoke permissions from adb using the pm utility. It may be possible to do this with one of the extensions that runs Linux commands, but I can't say for certain.

I guess the bigger question might be why is MOCK_LOCATION being added/requested in the first place....

Edit: After review, it looks like this can be added by either the LocationSensor or if the WebViewer's UsesLocation permission is set. I don't think it's actually useful for much of anything and probably should be slated for removal.

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this Stackoverflow answer might help
(there also might be others you can find using a simple Google search...)

in case you like to write an extension and create the functionality yourself...
more information about how to create an extension see the App Inventor Extensions document
however that will be more advanced and will require some Java skills...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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I already read that topic in stackoverflow...
And already search that aix not only in MIT app forum before I raise the thread...

But right now I dont have Java skill...

I think I must learn it...

Thanks to @ewpatton and @Taifun