Incorrect Thumb Position setting

Try this one:
ScrollBarBug_2.aia (2.0 KB)

:joy: :joy: :joy:

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LOL! I need to check this as it's still not working for me :wink:

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I thought I was losing my mind......OK, the error shows up when the Max for the scroll bar is 30, check this out.

ScrollBarBugMax30.aia (1.9 KB)

Enter 4 and the value says 3.9

Screenshot from 2023-10-03 18-26-24

Have you tried this



The issue there is that I then loose my none-integer values using the slider.


On the following Graph EntryClick on any points, for instance Point 2 which is at (2000,4), note the X-Axis says 1999.9999, Look at X=2000 and Y=4 then look at the scrollbar value it's 3.9 it should be 4.

SliderBug.aia (3.3 KB)

Click on the same point again and it is correct! The first click always seems wrong.

I notice if you set the MaxValue of the ScrollBar to 50 it works OK. It seems to work OK with Max Values of 5, 10, 20, 100 but not 30.

hello Youngie!
please don't ask a question many times to keep our community clean of unrelated or available (asked) topics
@moderators please move this topic to:

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If you enter 4 TWICE it works the second time!


ScrollBarBugMax30 (1).aia (2.1 KB)

I solved it a slightly different way! If you call the function twice it sets the correct value.

this does ot make sense to me

Me neither but you can try it.

I'm afraid not. In the App that will work fine the first time you type in 4. You type in 4 and 4 shows up, the next time you type in 4, 4.1 shows up :wink:

ScrollBarBugAddPointOne.aia (2.1 KB)


There are other numbers then four that produces either .8 or .9, so the best and simplest solution has already been found


Yes mate. It's OK I have a solution, the one below.

well, good luck!