Insert possibility to download all files from app

Hello everyone. I'm writing for my first project. I'm creating a portal website and I'm inserting it into APP inventor with webViewer

I have the problem that I can't download PDFs or other files from the site. I have already read the previous discussions but my problem compared to others who have written previously is the fact that the PDF and Excel files are generated by the system. So it is impossible to put the file name on MIT App Inventor extensions. I would like to be able to download all the files from my application.

How can I do?

Have you tried using either of these extensions? :


and please confirm that you want to be able to download files served on your "portal website", shown in a webview inside your app (?) to your AI2 app local storage on your device?

if I enter the web browser from my smartphone and PC, I am able to download the payrolls generated by the system.

If I log in with the application it CAN'T download. The download button does not initiate any action.

and what can I do for my case? you understand I'm new. I only ask that from my site it is possible to download files that do not always have a precise address. I don't want to rebuild an entire application, but just make sure that the files can be downloaded from the site and that the zoom is removed.

from the other topic

I tested your aia using webviewextra, this worked OK, and I was able to download the two pdf files successfully


Thanks, I've been following this for a day. sorry but I'm new. Finally download now...Thank you thank you thank you

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