Respected community,
The recorded sound cannot be played in the connected device because of error 802 or EROFS(Read-Only file). It is school project and it is Important for the recording to be played in the connected device. Please clear it as early as you can.
Kind Regards,
Mahua Saha
Welcome to the community . Try to ask for write permission when Screen initialize
Show your (relevant) blocks.
Try to ask for WRITE permission:
public static final int ERROR_SOUND_RECORDER_CANNOT_CREATE = 802
Also please read
The Sound_Recorder component does not automatically request WRITE permission (if you want to save the soundRec file to a non-app-specific folder / external storage, eg the default folder:
storage/emulated/0/My Documents/Recordings/app_inventor_1580478577579.3gp).
However, the file component does.
So if you press the “startRec” button, you get the error message: "Error 908: The permission WRITE_ ... has been denied. Please …"
However, if you click on the saveReadText button, WRITE is automati…
Can you show that code...I am a beginner and it is my second project...I actually didn't understand.
June 12, 2021, 2:25pm
Can you show that code
The blocks are there and also a test aia.
Btw, this bug (issue) has already been fixed.
So please show your blocks.
1 Like
June 12, 2021, 2:45pm
You have to learn some basic first ...
This is all you need: