Well, you have to refresh the "lista_numbers" after having modified it because handling with lists means dealing with adresses not with values. Assigning the "lista_numbers" to the "ListView.Elements" means passing an adress. All what happens to that will happen to the original one "lista_numbers". Or start with:
ListView.Elements=copy list(lista_numbers); then you won't have to refresh the "lista_numbers".
Hi, listview update with image is cool ! thanks AI
But I also encountered " attempt to invoke virtual ....BackgroundColor(int)' on a null object reference.
Using listcopy did not solve the problem for me. In my case, Crash occurs when using the the "set listview. selected Index" command which fires a null object error.
This does not occur with the "get listview.selected Index" command which returns the good, value.
Selected index will stay unshaded after a listview refresh, but that will do for me until AI kindly takes care of this little problem.
Enclosed example displays data form a dictionary. bloc which causes problem is disabled
Regards. testListView.aia (58.9 KB)