I am trying to create an application that displays a traditional dictionary (words in one language with their translations in another) through a list of this style:
word : [translation], [translation]
word : [translation], [translation]
I have these parts loaded in a CSV file but I don't know how to load the file and display it in a list. Help me!!
May 11, 2023, 6:28am
Post a small sample of the CSV file (3-4 words) and show what you've tried so far (i.e. your blocks).
Also describe the goal / purpose of your app.
Before you ask a question / open a new topic
please take care of the following points:
The forum was previously searched for similar topics / issues.
Give a precise (detailed) description of
the issue / bug,
the goal.
Show the (relevant) blocks (images, screenshots of blocks in high quality).
Debug your blocks (connect to Companion and right mouse click: → Do it).
Name the Android / iOS version running on your (test) device.
Do not open multiple threads on the same topic.
If you haven't al…
June 22, 2023, 6:43pm
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