November 8, 2022, 3:00am
I have an app that was designed to track my location. I used FirebasedDB1 components with my realtime database url. The exact address is not showing. Occasionally generating errors. Please help
Hi, @Uroct have you tried to remove the FribaseDB component?
November 8, 2022, 6:05am
No, I tried working with the FirebaseDB1 component
don't you read the massage when you want to drop the firebase component?
I think there is a problem with firebase component
Firebase is not a supported component currently. You will have to test the app with Android.
1 Like
November 8, 2022, 6:12am
Noted.This explains why. Thanks
I cant get data to firebase too
Khyle, welcome to the community. Please read the previous posts. As mentioned, Firebase is not available on the iOS version, so you will have to use Android to test your app.
November 8, 2022, 1:31pm
@Uroct , @Khyle_Rivera Have you tried coding your app to use the CloudDB control instead of FirebaseDB?
The controls are similar. The following Android examples might work using ios. Do they? Could you let us know whether either run in ios please?
[bus2] How to broadcast a GPS location and share the information on a map in real time.
Two similar apps explore the basics of how to share a location using a single screen and a real time database. One app user beacons, the others monitor (view his/her) location map using the same app.
Share Your Location is a basic app to share a map of your location with others who have installed your app. The example tracks a single user who beacons his/her location. Provide separate Tags for other u…
Social Distancing ... a CloudDB / Location Marker Tutorial
The Project
Determine how close an individual you share an app with is to you. You use a CloudDB, LocationSensor/GPS receiver, Map component, design time Markers and a StayAwake routine. Sound an alarm when someone comes too close or just have fun with the app to keep track of your family circle's whereabouts. Observe where everyone is on a Map. The app continually updates and calculates distance separation.
The Social Distancing s…
November 15, 2022, 1:31pm
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