Logs directory, search and category

Hello I need a directory of at least 500 records! that I can upload it using a *.csv or some automatic format, and not manually, in which I also have to add a link to each record or that allows me to enter each record already with its incorporated link, I would like it to have a search engine by category and alphabetic letter, is there any *.aia made? or something that can be improved, thanks if I finish it I would share it

This sounds like a database could be helpful...
Probably a Google Spreadsheet ...


It is so; I have it there, although it is simple, I would like to have it in an application

for a local database look into SQlite...
you can access the local SQlite database using an extension... here is one App Inventor Extensions: SQlite | Pura Vida Apps
there are also other sqlite extensions around...


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Thanks I will see it

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