Maintain the activity of an application in the background


I have done some work but i have 6 lists (40 items each) needs to be used in background so i cannot go further.
Perhaphs can i use "store" and "fetch" to save my lists ?


yes, StoreProperty and FetchProperty
get it first working with 1 list...



This extension is fascinating but to my knowledge unfortunately not suited to my application which uses 3D gyroscopes and accelerometers at a frequency of 400 times per second for real-time calculations and using the device's storage to exchange variables instead of the RAM does not seem efficient to me, without a way to replace the global variables in RAM I would not be able to follow up.


Indeed, we suggest people not to use glob@l variables since it causes confusion, and unnecessary complexity to deal with. Moreover many people confuse a lot.

If really that's necessary, I would suggest you to go ahead and use glob@l variables, if that suits you. But it isnt really recommended as per code style.

Storing data also takes some time, a few milliseconds, and I do not think you will be able to store data in that frequency in the foreground..


Hello Kumaraswamy

Thank you, i will try using global variables.


Hello Taifun

I dont store this datas, i make calculations and display in real time with them.
You are true, it is a problem to collect and operate 2800 variables per second and i cannot admiss lag, i also redoubt to damage the devices using app for hours using device's storage.


Hi Taifun, instead of "TextToSpeech" would it be possible to display an Android notification on the status bar, even when the app is in background ? How could this be done in this example ?

The CreateProcess method from itoo creates a static notification

Probably the notification sfyle extension is able to modify that static notification during runtime?

Technically it is possible, my locationservice extension App Inventor Extensions: Location Service | Pura Vida Apps updates the text of the notification regularly after each location changed event


Did you lready test this one ?