Map Error as Latitude

Map Latitude

The map latitude max is 180,
But in real life latitude is - 360 ~ 360.

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You appear confused. This may help: Latitude is measured from -90 deg, at the South Pole to 0 deg. at the equator to +90 deg. at the North Pole, not 0 to 180.

When using the Map component and/or GPS latitude/longitude information:

Latitude is reported in decimal degrees; for example 33.01560 degrees. Notice the latitude is reported to five decimal places. Latitude is reported as a decimal number between -90 to 90 (the South to the North Pole). Conventionally, Northern latitudes are positive, Southern are negative values. When you know both the latitude and longitude for a given address, you can post that location to a map or calculate its distance from another known object.

Longitude is reported in decimal degrees; for example -103.01567 degrees. Notice, the longitude is reported to five decimal places. Longitude is reported as a decimal number between -180 to 0 to 180 where negative values are the regions West of the prime meridian (0 degrees longitude) to those regions to the East. When you know both the latitude and longitude for a given address, you can post that location to a map or calculate the location's distance from another known object.

Hope this explanation helps. :slight_smile: