Помилка в "Mit AI2 Companion"

Добрий день. Я хочу повідомити про помилку в програмі "Mit AI2 Companion" Коли ти робиш проєкти зі збереженням і теги співпадають то поява помилки! Зможете полаготити?

"Good day. I want to report a bug in the program "Mit AI2 Companion" When you make projects with saving and tags match then an error occurs! Can you fix it?"

What you describe appears to be a coding mistake, not a bug. Tags match. Are the tags on a TinyDB or CloudDB or FirebaseDB? Share the code you use to save and enter data into the database tag you are trying to save data to. More information is needed about your app to provide specific advice.

I don't know if I understood you correctly, but here it is:
Clicker Project (Save Points)

Drawing Project (Upload Image)

When you upload a picture, it writes an error stating that points cannot be uploaded to the picture.

It is impossible to store a png/jpg image to a TInyDB. How are you storing a picture to your TinyDB? Are you converting the image to Base 64 text and saving the Base 64 script? Are you attempting to load text into a BackgroundImage? (that can not be done).

See [Free] Base 64 extension. File to/from Base 64 for one way to convert between png and Base 64

If you want to post text to the Canvas you have to use this Block
DrawText ; not the Caanvas.BackgroundImage.

In case you are asking about cross-project TinyDB data leakage through the Companion, be aware that TinyDB in the Companion is a shared garbage pail, full of leftover data from other apps that were tested in the Companion.

Either take out the garbage (empty TinyDB) often when you test using the Companion,
or use app-specific TinyDB NameSpaces to avoid conflicts in the Companion.

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