MIT App Inventor Title Bar

Good morning, can someone help me, it turns out that I have an application created in MIT App Inventor and published in playstore, but we realized that the menu bar does not work in the application, can someone tell me why? Thank you.

Yes, this is a bug in the current release, surprised you did not notice this when testing your app.

You can either:

Create your own title bar, or use an extension that generates an "Action Bar"
(if you do either, remember to make your title bar not visible)

The application is a web page, but if there is any tutorial to fix the problem, great. Thank you.

Here is one way

Can someone help me, I have a web application but the menu bar does not work, can someone help me.


If you are referring to title bar, here you have a workaroind:

Greetings Ramon, here I show you an image of the problem, the application installed in Playstore does not work, the menu bar does not work, but my application is web.

Is not made with AI2? Or you are using a WebViewer to show your web site? can you show your relevant blocks?

@ramos777 @ECOGINTER

You have now received the same answer twice for both of your accounts...

Perhaps provide more information about your app if the answers given are not answering your question...