New Android announcement for the API 14 (level 34)

Meu app tem uma mensagem no Play Store dizendo, Atualize o nível desejado da API, O app precisa segmentar Android 14 (nível 34 da API) ou mais recentes porque a versão do Android é antiga.
Qual a versão do android é gerada pelo MIT ?

This question has been asked dozens of times. Search the forum.

Ok, i go search.

App must target Android 14 (API level 34) or higher

Read this topic

No. Instead, new apps and updates must target Android 14 (SDK 34) starting August 31, 2024. Before that, it should only be understood as a ("precautionary") warning. Period.

Hi Anke,

Just want to make sure, is the current update of MIT App Inventor now already support Android SDK target to 34 (Android version 14) ?
So I could resolve my app by rebuild android app bundle of my app in order to align with google policy that app must target to API 14 (level 34).


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There is no real problem if you stay with targetSdk 33 (except that this unnecessary warning appears). However, if you update to targetSdk 34, you should be aware that new bugs may be present due to changed functionality. I have pointed out at least one such bug. So you should test the app intensively and extensively after the targetSdk update.

Thanks for your warning.
I will test my app carefully.

Thanks for this update.

Why API Level is 11+ which is not 14 when I created aab file for my app?

And Google stated my app status as follow:

This is the minSdkVersion. For whatever reason it is Android 3 (API 11) in your case. Usually it is Android 2.1 ( Éclair, API 7) with AI2. However certain components / extensions require a higher API to function.

How many times do I have to repeat this – and it's been going on for years? It may take 1-2 days for this warning to disappear.

Can anybody send me the link of the new one and explain me how to update my apps to api level to 34 i aldready created 10+ apps what to do

Thank you.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Generating icons, task errored

Just build your app as usual, App Inventor targets sdk 34 since a while


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