No Connectivity tab to select

There is no Connectivity option in my MIT, how do I get it?

Set your Blocks Toolkit to Expert in Project Properties.

Thanks for the solution it is working now.

Would you mind telling us what project you were working on before this?

Yes I am working with Touch screens - ESP32 and have lots of issues to get it to work on Touch. When I saw MIT I decided that my Touch screens is old school and this app will be my future. I am currently working on a project where I'm building my second Electro Steel Guitar where I control every movement of the strings by servo motors(my first Guitar) and with the new stepper motors.
I also am a electrical trainer and have simulators to help in the practical side of training. I will now use the phone to put faults on, instead of me putting faults on manually. I am using Touch screen controllers currently.
I just completed my first project with MIT and uploaded it to my iPhone but cannot install it - How do I do that?
I can see the 3.6MB file in my phone files but when I click on it nothing happen.

I have switched the thread category to iOS, because you are on an iPhone.

No extensions, alternative build techniques.

Please clarify what you mean by this. Are you saying that you downloaded the AIA file to your iPhone? An AIA file is not executable, at least not without loading it into App Inventor and pairing the MIT App Inventor companion. If you want to install an app on your phone, you must build it using the beta service that supports this for iOS.