Open Source β€’ Background Tasks: Itoo πŸš€

Sorry, I cannot help you out here.

there is no Alarm component in your extension update

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i dont have the initializePeriodic block

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Hi, I am trying to use your extensions to run a background task, that can listen to data/events from BLE device and play an audion. The BLE events are not read if app is sent to background and I want to handle it through background process. Can you share an example to perform the same? @Kumaraswamy

I tried like this. Is it because the background app doesn't have the context of BLE component and can't execute events unless I explicitly register?

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Yes, you would have to create a foreground task instead of a normal one, and also add a little 'x' argument for the procedure, then you shall try again.

@Kumaraswamy You rock! - This is fantastic extension. After multiple trials I am able to figure out and my app seamlessly works. Thanks again for your contribution to this community. I am definitely going to donate for your cause. Can you share which are the correct links so that funds reach to you?

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Thanks :blush: It would be great if you would like to share what you have tried with the community :smiley:

You can always reach me out for help.

so i have a game where you have shop and i can change shop from a different app with clouddb. I want to do when clouddb data changed then send notification but in background. I downloaded itoo but i dont know how to check if the data changed

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can anyone provide me with an apk file with a working notification for a test? the extension does not work on both my phones (samsung a10 and redmi 7a phones)
my blocks

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it helps to read the thread carefully...

also as already mentioned

Btw. in the background there is no user interface, do not use textboxes or labels…


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Please consider posting the Blocks for your solution @Hareesh_Sarma. It will help others that are attempting to use this extension. Every example helps others. :astonished:

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As I said, it only works when the application is open. But if you close the application, then there is no notification. exactly the same with your extension TaifunAlarmManager if the application is closed does not work (checked with your apk file)


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You are using an old version from December 2021, The extension was updated several times meanwhile, see also here. You should use the latest version as of November 2022, which is SDK31 compatible. You can find it in the download folder.


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Concerning your screenshot of your tests with the itoo extension: make sure to use tke latest version of the Notification Style extension... that extension also needed a SDK31 Update...


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You have to add a little 'x' as an argument to the procedure 'doBackgroundWork'.
Also since you use redmi device, make sure to turn on autostart permission in the settings app.

And also to remember a point is, as Taifun said, do not use any user-interfaces components with the extension, when the app is active, it may work normally, but when it is in background, it will fail to re-create components thus resulting in the service crashing.

what im missing in my blocks?

i want to do when data in clouddb changed then send notification

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As a start:

In your case the CheckShopNotif method


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still not working :frowning:

Have you made sure that the NotificationStyle extension is working properly? Also, you are not using the current version of the extension. Now there is no "when" block.