[PAID] ChatV2: Chat App with Authentication and Rooms along with DM

Untitled design (2) ChatV2: ChatApp with Rooms for Private and Group Chat (User Auth)


  • Multiple Chat Rooms
  • User Authentication for each user
  • Private Chat
  • Group Chat for all Users
  • Customizable According to the requirements and use case


Chat Rooms names are initialized in a list. Modify the list to add or remove rooms.

User Auth
You can modify the password for each user and can add or remove the app users.
Eg. password1 is the password for username Gian
Replace password1 by any password you like and share the app among your friends
along with the password for each of them

App Video

Purchase link
The AIA costs only 10$ available worldwide! You can pay with multiple options worldwide!
Click the link given below to purchase it.