Why don't you raw-code your own "app inventor"??????
Are you serious?
I just want to tell that you can code your app with some programming language
I just cloned the App Inventor sources last week at everything worked fine for me...
also 2 days ago you told us
Now getting FATAL Error
how should someone be able to help without any further information?
you might want to first learn how to ask questions...
According to the PM you sent me on telegram
You didn't clone in the location you know
You have just opened Git bash from start menu while cloning which is wrong
So try to open the folder you often visit and right click and click on git bash and then clone
This should work fine as I did it last week and everything worked fine
Clone again in any other drive
Don't do it in C drive and see what happens
Also you can see my guide
Good guide.
Thanks .......
Local build server success
I followed all the steps correctly and gave ant command to build app inventor in localhost.
C:\Users\rubyd\appinventor-sources\appinventor\build.xml:21: The following error occurred while executing this line:
C:\Users\rubyd\appinventor-sources\appinventor\buildserver\build.xml:189: Java returned: 1
Total time: 40 seconds
You need buildserver for making apk files
To run the main server you need to run the ant command
Before building the main server you have to update the git submodule
updated before.
When ANT command given
Build Failed
Why don't you use any other drive?
Okay, I will try.
The issue has nothing to do with which drive the build is running on (I always run it in C: on Windows). The issue here is likely that you're not using the correct version of Java, as the error messages shown happen when the running JRE is newer than Java 8.
You can download JDK 8 from here: