Problem with evo-gen virus

Thank you, if I understand it but, I reiterate because at first if I let you install it and then nothing, the problems started, I can send you the aia to see what happens only is a menu of options does nothing else. thanks for everything, just send me email, and as a last doubt there is the possibility of validating the apk on another site or which one you recommend

@juanjava Sorry about your continued issues. Your best course is to 'validat4 the apk on another site ’ to demonstrate how other virus software evaluates your apk. I suspect your apk probably will run fine on any non-Huawei or Xiaomi Android. At the moment, I believe the phone is the problem. What else can you do? Get another brand phone probably or complain didrectly to Huawei and Xiaomi.

it is a virus…i’ve investigated this on my emulator…installed a bunch of apps and then installing my app…it ended by uninstaling all apps and crashing emulator (emulator is called Bluestacks).

i’ve searched this on my computer but all i found was that maybe some sort of hacker hacked the app inventor

the phone on the emulator is called 1+ or something like this

Probably not. I suspect this an issue with Bluestacks. Sorry you have issues. The problems are probably not related to App Inventor. You might discuss this with Bluestacks. The post you made earlier shows your app is virus free except when scanned by Avast Mobile. Earlier you had an issue with Huawei, now the issue is with Bluestacks. Do you use Avast on your PC too?

no i dont use avg or avast. i know about false thing

it uninstalled all apps from my emulator after installing and running my app :frowning:. idk what went wrong but can you fix it so i can use my app safely???

yes it not just uninstalled malwarebytes but the most of the apps :rage: i tried launching the app on android emulators but came out the same problem :frowning: what do i do? pls help me.

Hi Lolek

I don’t think you understood what I said, but I can’t find another way to tell you the same thing. :upside_down_face:

If you wish, you can upload your Project File (.aia file) and we can compile it and test it.

Project.aia (3.3 KB)

Hi Lolek

Having modified your Project a tiny bit (the Project name must not be “Project”), I have tested your App (APK) on my Samsung S8, Android v9 phone and it works perfectly well. No anti-virus warnings and nothing is deleted from my phone. This is as I expected, your App does not have a virus Lolek. If your phone says it has, send the App to the AV Lab of the phone manufacturer - see the links on my website. Links to Anti-Virus Report Forms

Lolek_Project.aia (3.4 KB)