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nel momento in cui clicco su un elemento della ListPicker, vado ad aprire una WebViewer relativa ad un marker sulla mappa. Come posso far muovere la mappa affinchè si diriga direttamente su quel marker specifico?
This tutorial shows how
[NP.png] National Parks ... display Markers, calculate distances to Markers and determine closest Marker using the MIT Map Component
The Tutorial
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the MIT Map component to display a large number of run time location Markers, calculate the distance from the Android device to all the displayed locations and display that information. A bubble sort creates a list of locations in ascending distance from the device. The first item in the calcul…
and here is a similar tutorial
HOW TO: Set Runtime Map Marker Characteristics using a CSV file.
A csv file, Map and Marker components, a WebViewer, a ListView and a File or a Web component to build an app that will use spreadsheet data to modify the characteristics of your Map Markers. The database is a spreadsheet on my PC (not a GoogleSheet) or it could be a Google Sheet.
The National Parks tutorial shows one way to plot multiple run time markers using a csv file to an OpenStreetMap. The tutorial discusses various ways …
that may help you.
Grazie @SteveJG , vedrò di studiare il tuo tutorial
April 29, 2022, 5:09pm
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