Problema di zoom con componente MAP

Ciao, ho inserito il componente MAP nella mia app.
Se esco dagli States non posso andare oltre un certo livello di zoom, quindi la mappa, a questo livello non mi serve.
Devo impostare qualcosa per superare questo problema?
Non ho capito se questo componente usa le OpenStreetMaps.
Potete indicarmi un link dove trovo un esempio di uso delle OpenStreetMaps fuori dagli States?

There is no problem, what you experience is a feature of OSM. You can use the Google Maps Static API instead of the Map control. :slight_smile:

1 - the Map component uses OpenStreetMap tiles, not Google Map tiles.
2 - the tiles are based on USGS surveys in the USA and other sources outside the USA. The ability to zoom tiles depends on the map base. Outside the USA the maps are not as detailed so users cannot zoom the maps as in the USA, especially when using Terrain and Aerial MapType. Users can zoom the most using Roads. See Map组件中roads类型地图无法显示 - Roads type map in Map component cannot be displayed (in Mainland China) - #4 by SteveJG
3. An example showing how to use OSM without the Map Component
4. The Map component works in most countries (possibly not in mainland China).
5. There are other map generating api's: