[REBORN !] TableView Extension Versions 3&4 (pre nb191) and 5 by @Ken

yes I tried to do that procedure but by fixing the php everything is cleaner and simpler. before i used list from csv row instead of list from csv table. again my fault. I'm a mechanical engineer and I don't understand much about programming unfortunately, I'm learning..


how can i change direction to display from left to right !!!


Can you explain more clear ? and which extension you are using?

using this one TableView_v3
when importing the googlesheet ,i want the direction of the table including the text from right to left rather than left to right

But this aia still working for you? since many users said it&s not working.
To change the direction, you can reverse the sub list.

Try this solution

Together with


덕분에 해결했습니다. 감사합니다.

Are you sure it's working? Many users reported it's not working.

TableView ..No more updates?

Not yet, for now, use this:

Hi all, some my projects use tableview ext and run very well on android11, but on android 13 this message appears

We know. This is a well known fact. Use Tableviewer instead


@Ken provided the source code, @Kevinkun fixed it to work with current versions of AppInventor. He has removed the ability to use a custom font, but for most people this should not be an issue?

Here is the updated aix file:

com.kennicholsandroid.TableView.aix (21.3 KB)

CREDITS: @Ken for the original extension, @Kevinkun for the fix.

[UPDATE - 2023-01-14]
If the above version doesn't work in Companion, it may be for one of two reasons.

Either try this version of the extension:
com.kennicholsandroid.tableviewV4.6Int.aix (17.3 KB)

or ensure you are using Companion 2.69 which you get from the Play Store.

You may need to do both....


I have an app that uses TableView and has been working for 2 years without a problem. I recently updated it with a few tiny improvements but never changed anything in the screen that uses TableView. I now get this error:

Thank you Tim. I believe I am the one who inspired Ken to update a couple years ago because I like his extension so much :joy: I am using version 4 already :frowning_face:
I will try to use the extension Ken has offered here.

OK. I used Ken's version and discovered this option missing which should not hurt my app at all but I still get the same message I mentioned above?

Use v5