Hi Shreyash, here is a bug. When I type the command to create extension, this alert message appears even when I am in different directory. I got this bug first trying to create extension with same name with different folder when I got this alert message and now I am in different directory but still the warning appears.
edit: solved by removing space . But I remember it working with space
Building extensions is now almost 1.5x faster with Rush! Yes, you heard that right, 1.5x faster than previous versions! Don't believe me, give it a shot yourself and feel the speed.
Want to port your old extension(s) to Rush but fear rewriting those huge manifest annotations? No worries, I got your back. Introducing the migrate command! Simply run rush migrate in your extension template's root directory and let Rush do the rest of the work. Learn more here.
You can now install Rush using the Rush installer -- rush-init. It's not a full-blown installer and yeah, there's still a lot of room for improvement, but hey, it's better than nothing.
Bug fixes
The notorious "no extension in the out directory" bug is finally fixed (hopefully).
Some Android manifest tags weren't being added to the application's AndroidManifest.xml when using Kodular. This issue is now fixed and you should be able to use all the supported manifest elements without any headache.
Previously, aliasing the rush command and then trying to create/build an extension would throw some weird errors. This is no longer the case and you'd be just fine aliasing rush command to whatever you want.
The -s (--support-lib) flag used to generate the support library version of your extension even if it didn't depend on any of the AndroidX packages. Now, Rush will warn you when you unnecessary pass -s flag.
There was this little bug that would create a directory named .rush if you run rush build in a non Rush project directory. It is now fixed.
Internal changes
Rush now no longer depend on Apache Ant to build your extensions. All the compilation, optimization, and packaging are now done by Rush itself.
Tweaked quite a few other things that are either too small to notice or too tough to explain. All you need to know is that Rush is now much more stable and faster than it was before.
To install, as well as to update, follow the new installation instructions:
I hope this update will make extension development a bit more easier and faster. If you face any issues, as always, create an issue here on GitHub or just leave a reply on this topic. I'll try to respond ASAP.
With this, it won't even let me compile the extension. Although, that's definitely a valid YAML syntax. I guess it's a bug in the YAML parsing library I'm using for the annotation processor...
Maybe it would be better if Rush detected the multiline YAML strings and automatically added the <br> tags to the compiled extension. Will try to add this feature in a future release.
...umm, yeah. That's it. This is not a major release after all.
Bug fixes
Fixed the inconsistent behavior of property-type blocks. [ref]
Fixed the issue where the extension's assets and the license file won't get compiled within the AIX file.
Fixed the unnecessary invalidation of caches while building the extension. This resulted in slightly increased build times.
Fixed the issue that sometimes caused the Java warning to show more than once.
Fixed some other minor issues.
Internal changes
There's been quite a few improvements in the working of the Rush installer (a.k.a rush-init). You, as an end-user, won't notice many changes (expect the perky progress bar ), but this will lay the foundation for an upcoming feature that will allow you to upgrade Rush without leaving your terminal.
If you already have Rush installed on your computer, simply download the Rush installer for your OS from the latest release and run it.
If you don't have Rush installed, follow this wiki to install it.
With the previous release (v1.1.1), an issue cropped up that caused the APK creation to fail if the extension used any external library.
So, if you recently upgraded Rush to v1.1.1, I urge you to upgrade it to v1.1.2 ASAP.
Bug fixes
Fixed the issue that caused APK creation to fail when using external libraries.
If you already have Rush installed on your computer, simply download the Rush installer for your OS from the latest release (v1.1.2), and then run it (it will only update the affected files).
If you don't have Rush installed, follow this wiki to install it.
I'm write extension with assets "audience_network.dex"
I have add config in rush.yml
On line asset
icon : icon.png
- audience_network.dex
File asset in folder asset/auidence_network.dex
Use of DEX files in assets isn't yet supported in Rush. I've got a couple more requests for this feature earlier. I haven't tested anything, but I guess it should be possible to implement it. Although, don't keep your expectations high, I can't promise anything.