Server error: could not compile the application. please try again later

Hi everyone, today when trying to compile a project to apk, for just a project (others work well) I receive this scaring red message: Server error: could not compile the application. please try again later
I noticed that if I remove all the files loaded, it compiles, but then if I load even one little super small file, it returns this error... is this my fault or a bug?

it's a bug

How do you know it's a bug without looking at the AIA file?

Do you have a lot of blocks or screens?

this is been increasingly reported thats why i know

We still need the AIA file. You cannot judge someone's personality just by looking at their appearance. We need to know if they used a lot of blocks, screens, etc. Also see this.

then we might solve this by copying the screen elements and media with the blocks to a new project. most probably the OP used more than 1000+ blocks and 20+ extensions

We still do not know a lot of information about the project. Even if they used a lot of blocks and extensions,

will still not solve their problem. It is like making the same mistakes, but in a different project. Do they have errors in their blocks? Do they have too many components? We still do not know. Do not make suggestions when you do not know something.

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let the OP respond then we will see

Do you have a lot of blocks or screens?

then we might solve this by copying the screen elements and media with the blocks to a new project. most probably the OP used more than 1000+ blocks and 20+ extensions

I have just 3 screens and one extension, but screen1 has a lot of blocks, but I tried to copy the project and remove all of them and it still refuses to compile
if you need the aia file here it is

thanks for your time! :smiley:

Your images are too big in pixels


Yes @Boban, but no problem to build the APK here.

Btw, the launcher icon should be square and preferably have the following dimensions: 192x192px.


@Boban is there a max size limit? in the past I think I uploaded even bigger images and it was never a problem

@Anke just tried to resize it and change the file but nothing changed ):

Try this one with resized images

Biscottino1.aia (1.3 MB)

P.S. it builds as well

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I only halved the size of the images and the APK will build.
Biscottino2.aia (4.7 MB)

Btw, your aia (with the big images) was built with AI2Offline (no problems).

@Boban woah this works!!! thank you very much!

@Anke Thank you too!!
I'll try installing AI2Offline, now I get a strange error but this is not the place to discuss about this, thanks again for your time and kindness!

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