Target API level 31

I´ll try that. Thank you.

Hello, big hug to all.

My first post here.

I did all the steps of the Thunder-thing post and went to the end.
more when publishing the .aab to my google account.

This is an error.

The Android App Bundle has not been signed.

alguna respuesta con respecto a poder cargar una nueva app con api 31???

MIT hoped to have the Android api 31 update by the end of August. It will be deployed and available whenever the software receives approval from Google and the release is ready.

When the software is updated, you will find a notice here Release Notes for MIT App Inventor 2 .

There are alternatives to waiting for the official release:

  • Try Anke's advice Target API level 31 - #9 by Anke

  • Code your commercial apps in Android Studio or Delphi Community Edition, or B4A instead of a great compiler intended principally for educational purposes and experimentation.

MIT makes ever effort to make App Inventor available for all developers as soon as possible. Sometimes its self imposed goals and deadlines are delayed.

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Try the test server (which already taegets SDK 31).

Do I pay someone to solve this problem, someone willing?

What problem are you trying to resolve??
If you want to change sdk target version, use this post.

Hello, i've been absent since two weeks. I still can´t upload my .aab file. PLEASE HELPPPPP:(

You found the correct thread which is great... however you forgot to read the contributions, especially this one


solution with video tutorial working for me

How to change Target API level 30 to 31 in MIT App Inventor 2
Follow the steps-:

  1. Open the Main site of the MIT App Inventor
  2. Open Your App.
  3. Now Click on the Project and export the aia file of the selected project.
  4. Now Open the Test version of the App Inventor link -:
  5. Now Click on project and import the aia file that you have recently exported.
  6. Now go again the main site
  7. Click on the project and select Export Keystore
  8. Now Import the keystore in your test version of the app inventor
  9. Now Build the aab file and upload this file to playstore

Yes you can retry building ur apk and/or creating test apk to see if its your app that have a problem.

no funciona

may i know the error ?

@TheCodingBus The best solution can be to wait for a few days, or use APK Editor studio :slight_smile: Since API 31 update will be coming soon!

Also I am one of your viewers

@Ridoy1 Here I use VS code and APKLab extension

  1. Open VS code just the program
  2. CTRL + Shift + P ➜ APKLab: Open an APK
  3. For edit Manifest AndroidManifest.xml replace android:exported="false" > android:exported="true"
  4. For set targetSdkVersion change in apktool.yml then save
  5. Right-Click on or inside apktool.yml file ➜ APKLab: Prepare for HTTPS inspection
  6. Right-Click on or inside apktool.yml file ➜ APKLab: Rebuild the APK

now I have only memory heap error so this may work if my memory is enough

Hi, I did it, the app was loaded correcly and availlable for alpha test but, at start, a message "The permission READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE was denied" appears. No problem with the same app built with "standard" ai2 and installed using apk.
There is a known walkaround?

App Inventor already has this option (which is probably why Kodular has it, as Kodular is basically a clone, using MIT's Open Source).

That should not happen. In order to understand/investigate the problem, we need the aia.
So post the aia or send it to me via PM.