Time Format Extension - Millis to [HH:mm:ss] - [days + HH:mm:ss] - [HH:mm] - [mm:ss] etc

There's no format code for zone offset?

A small z should provide the offset

There is a long discussion on this problem here.

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Here's a recursive blocks only approach.
You have to divide milliseconds by 1000 and round on your way into the function.

hh_mm_ss.aia (2.4 KB)

Sample run

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Thanks for this idea...

But it still seemed to me a complex way, to break a temporal expression in parts and mathematically deal with these fractions until it reaches the goal. :slight_smile:


Ahh! This was simple and elegant!

Convert mm:ss in HH:mm:ss and resolve with the TFormat extension itself

This is the answer I were looking for!

Thank you :pray:

PS: In the next version of the extension you could add a lapse multiplier ^^
