arduino code.txt (1.2 KB) ble_communicationselect (1).aia (193.0 KB)
Hello, good day.
i am trying to make a arduino based car which uses a app for control.
i have so far managed to get the Arduino code working on my arduino nano 33 iot
but i am having some anoying problems with the mit inventor code.
it has work so far, connects to the device but gets stuck on the first writewithresponse, also gets stuck on write without response. i have tested my arduino code with the nRF connect app and it is able to receive the value's so the arduino code shouldn't be the problem. tho i am not understanding why the mit inventor code is not working, i've looked around for quite a while but am not finding any solutions.
thank you, indead this is the problem, i have used 2 buttons to send the data and it does work now.
would you know a method to make sure that it can send data quicker tho?
since im not fully understanding the clock and timer function (just copied it). and might there be a way to initiate write right after the arduino has confirmed via the response (if that is even possible)?
wel i have changed how it works, when using the buttons seperatly it does work, but i am not getting the clocks to delay the execution of the write, it just gets stuck and i don't even see the 10 "written" by the change label text. i do not know what is happening and why.
to fire a response when i get a reply would probably require reading and writing back from my arduino to a value the sliders cannot reach and to then see if the value's are this to then write another response, this should work but the clocks seem like a very handy thing to know.
and indead machine gunning the device with info only makes the source of said info get stuck so... hehe
ok so i have been testing around a little more and.... it doesn't have to do with the time in between....??
when i remove the loop and timer. it works, i can spam the button all i want, even if the 2 writes are right after each other they both work, would you know a solution to this loop problem? (sorry that im changing subjects and using this as a information source)
wel thank you for the effort, i was able to fix and make this work via using the position changed function from the sliders i am using for the value's and connected a timer to this so it diden't get machine gunned with writes