Upload file from smartphone to ftp server

Hello everybody
I need some help. I would like to upload files from my smartphone to an ftp server. who can help me do this?
what does it take to do this?
thank you all

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On this page, you will definitely find an extension with which to do this.


OR search "FTP" in the forum

:mag: FTP

Pay at your own risk, Ive sent $12 to Taifun and received no files or reply in return after payment.
Same with the $5 paid FTP extension.

Either I got ripped off or these folks care nothing about timely customer service and if their customers are left wondering if they just got ripped off.

Maybe you would like to edit your post.

You will have to understand that not everyone lives in the same timezone as you so there will be a delay in delivering aix.


Good morning,

It looks like you have overseen the large green box on the bottom of my webpage App Inventor Extensions: FTP | Pura Vida Apps

After having received your payment I will be happy to send the download link to you. Please let me know your Google account! I usually will send the download link not later than 24 hours after having received your payment.
Thank you! Taifun

As @vknow360 already explained

Are you still interested in the extension or do you want me to refund the payment?


Seems like someone got impatient!
Taifun isn't a robot, alright? He is a human being and also does other things for his livelihood. He creates the extensions when he gets time, and probably lives in a different place so obviously there will be delay in sending the extension file. If he ripped people off like this, he probably wouldn't have had such a high reputation in the community. Show some respect to Taifun after you get the extension delivered to you.

Unfortunately I did not get an answer in the last 10 hours so I now refunded the payment.

You are welcome to purchase the extension again... just be more patient next time...
