When can we export with API level 34?

Hello experts,

Does anyone know when will we be able to export our apps with API level 34? If you know any updates please share it with me.


Definitely before August 31, 2024. So relax...

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you already can use the test server now, see the announcement


The test server couldn't load my project! I guess I will wait till the testings are finished.

It would be interesting to know why...
Is this a large project with loads of screens, blocks or assets?

Please upload the project to https://unchive.kodular.io to get some statistics about your project and post the overview here


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It's working now! Thank you for helping. :yellow_heart:

Hello Sir,
Can you tell me why this is happening? It's from the test server.

Scroll to the bottom of the log to see what happened and post the complete log

ERROR: appinventor/ai_kurt_vaed/Better_Sleep/Online.yail line 32: call to 'set-and-coerce-property!' has too few arguments (3; must be 4)

[GenerateClasses] ERROR: Can't find class file for Screen 'Online'
[GenerateClasses] Task errored in 2.959 seconds

I think It's happening because I couldn't add notification action properly. The links you sent me was showing old screenshots. I couldn't find those so I tried to play around with it and see how it works. I'm attaching a screenshot that might help you identify the problem and tell what needs to happen.


I'm not familiar with that extension, I only can suggest to follow the documentation or ask its author for help

What are you trying to do with notifications? Alternatively use

This error usually means, you forgot to set all sockets of a method


Specifically, there is an empty property setter on the screen called Online.

I also need to update to API-Level 34 till 31/08/24, but it is not working up to now in MIT.
Can i use the test server instead for upload to Google Play Store?

You only need to update to SDK 34 for apps uploaded/updated to the Google Play Store after August 31 2024. MIT will release an update to the main production server by then.

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You mean my existing apps with SDK 33 will still be available in Play Store?
I guess my apps will be no longer available in Play Store if i do not update to SDK 34.



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Explanation: See also here

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If someone has about 44 live apps on play store, this might consume time to update API level 34 for so many apps, hope we get it soon, we are all waiting for the new update.

Did you really read my last two posts?