Yes, i understand. Everything in the app is linked, so how do I create a test aia. You've seen the blocks that affect the MFile extension. So unless there is something wrong, there is a problem. To be honest it's doing my head in.
Screen1 is broken.
I don't have the time to examine it further. Put the blocks in the backpack, create a new project, add components and extensions again and then the blocks from the backpack.
Yes, your test AIA worked for me too. I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board on this one. @patel
You may be correct, but where is it corrupt?
Something strange happened today. I had to reinstall the companion, and open it in Legacy mode to get it to work. What's that all about?
Thank you for finding time to look at my work. I deleted all the stuff in AppInventor/Assets directory, and as an added precaution deleted and reinstalled the companion app. Whatever you did, worked, and amazingly my original Shoppy worked too.
Yes, you are correct. The CSV is saved, but contains nothing but " ", " ". But that's for tomorrow. I noticed your little red dot with the huge ?. Too tired now, need sleep. Your help has been invaluable.