WiFi direct problems/need help or clarification

Dear all,
I'm using two pads connected each other via WiFi dirdect by using @Kumaraswamy extension (great job indeed!), WiFiCalling.
It works, more or less: in other words, once connected the two pads (both Lenovo M8, but Android 9 on the first, Android 11 on the second) everything works fine for hours, the two pads are exchanging data with no troubles. The only problem is the connection procedure. It seems that I cannot find a repetitive sequence to get the connection "at the first time". It seems somewhat random.
Let's assume that Android 9 is Tablet #1, the primary, while Android 11 is Tablet #2, the secondary. Whichever I start first to search the available devices, sometimes none of two is capable to find the other, more often is Pad #1, the primary, that is not capable to find the secondary, while on the contrary it seems that the Secondary is more capable to find the Primary (which remains un-capable to find the Secondary). I've checked for the same configuration of both pads (i.e. settings of the WiFi channels at system settings).
On both pads I've set localization, BT and Nearby to ON (at least for sure it must be done on Android 11).
An additional help, I need, is : since I shall connect always the same pads together, I don't need to create a visual-list of available devices, among which select a device, but I would rather need to set always the same devices names.
That is: once started the app, the Primary shall connect always (and only) the Secondary, while the Secondary shall connect the Primary, without the need for the user to select within a list.
Since the extension requires a list.index to connect the related Name, I've tried to create a list from a srting, containing only the name of the pad to connect, and I've tried to force the index to "1" but it doesn't work, since it rises runtime error of index ="0".

Sorry having been so verbose !
Any hint is much appreciated.
Cheers, Ugo.


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