Hello (potential) contributors of App Inventor,
Throughout contributing to App Inventor, I found it was quite easy to forget certain ant build tasks and what they do; So below is a summary that I have made to have a quick look-up for some useful commands to increase productivity. Maybe some of you will find it useful!
You missed ant extensions and ant javadoc
Probably you have not used the last one, but I find it pretty useful, as it generates Java-like documentation. It is quite easy to find a particular Java function in the appinventor core, and its usage details.
An MIT AI2 Developer is someone who changes and extends the sourcecode of App Inventor itself. An MIT AI2 User is someone who uses the online designer and blockeditor and builds apks.
The commands that are in this list are for AI2 Developers not for AI2 Users.
I haven’t been able to get ant blockly to work. It doesn’t seem like it’s an available option. But I would love to be able to just recompile blockly (and have it work on the appserver).
Is this a target you added yourself? If so, would you mind sharing how you added it?
Alternatively I could just be doing something wrong hehe. Are you in the appinventory directory or the blocklyeditor directory when you run it?
Ah, that’s interesting, I believe the ant blockly used to be an older command a way back that was now changed. I believe the equivalent nowadays is to navigate to the appinventor/blocklyeditor ant run the ‘BlocklyCompile’ task (i.e. ant BlocklyCompile)
You’re right! I completely forgot about ant extensions and the ant javadoc (which is still quite new to me). Unfortunately it seems I cannot find an option to edit the post anymore, but if I could, it would definitely be worthwhile to add them! (along with ant MakeAuthKey possibly since that’s another good one to remember when re-initializing the code base)