I am building an app with should display the cheapest gas station to your current location (+/- 5 KM)
I only want to display the "name" , "price" and "street" of the following output after clicking the button "Search". (Only the first gas station of the output ). (from API "Tankerkönig"). I tried it with json text decode, but unfortunately it doesn't work.
"ok": true,
"license": "CC BY 4.0 - https://creativecommons.tankerkoenig.de",
"data": "MTS-K",
"status": "ok",
"stations": [
{ Datentyp, Bedeutung
"id": "474e5046-deaf-4f9b-9a32-9797b778f047", - UUID, eindeutige Tankstellen-ID
"name": "TOTAL BERLIN", - String, Name
"brand": "TOTAL", - String, Marke
"street": "MARGARETE-SOMMER-STR.", - String, Straße
"place": "BERLIN", - String, Ort
"lat": 52.53083, - float, geographische Breite
"lng": 13.440946, - float, geographische Länge
"dist": 1.1, - float, Entfernung zum Suchstandort in km
"diesel": 1.109,
"e5": 1.339, - float, Spritpreise in Euro
"e10": 1.319, /
"isOpen": true, - boolean, true, wenn die Tanke zum Zeitpunkt der
Abfrage offen hat, sonst false
"houseNumber": "2", - String, Hausnummer
"postCode": 10407 - integer, PLZ
Thanks in advance for your help.....