Aplicación para reproducir música al apretar imagen

Hola gente, quería hacer un programa en el cual, al apretar una imagen, se reproduzca una canción. La misma dura alrededor de 2 minutos. Mi problema es que solo se reproduce 5 minutos, y no he encontrado una manera de que se extienda más. Ni siquiera sé si es posible, son mis primeros días usando App Inventor, por lo que cualquier ayuda me serviría. ¡Gracias!

my guess is, the music was only playing for 5 seconds?
use the Player component instead of the Sound component


I actually used the player component and it worked lol. I asked, anyways, because I've had used it before and it didn't work, but now it did because I added code for a clock... I think.
However, I share with you all the blocks in case someone needs it :slight_smile:


your clock blocks do not really make sense

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Thanks for the tip!!! It was kind of difficult to me to do this even though it was too easy lol :slight_smile: