App Inventor Screen Limits - Are these circumvented by having your data stored off of Shared Preferences and in the cloud?

Hi all...thanks in advance for being so helpful.

My understanding is App Inv. has a screen "limit" of about 9 or so screens. As I understand it, this is a result of the apps we create primarily utilizing Android's Shared Preferences memory. So for example, when you create an app that uses TinyDB to store data, TinyDB is storing that in the Shared Preferences, which is not some huge place to store data--it's meant to story text-only data about, well as its name implies, preferences the user has. This might be "dark mode" or a font size that they like.

This space isn't meant to use huge amount of data. As such, if you create an app that's too big and stores too much data, the app will start to malfunction.

  1. is my understanding of App Inv.'s data limitation correct?

  2. if one "offloads" data storage to, say, Firebase, does that push up the amount of screens one can make in an app?

I'm really liking App Inventor and am thinking about making my "dream app" in it. My dream app will be a) pretty data heavy and b) will need 25 to 30 screens.

If I offload data storage to the cloud, can App Inv. handle the code for that many screens? I don't see why not, but I am looking for dissenting opinions.


AI2's screen limits appear earlier, in the build phase.
See Bug n194 - not possible to export multiple projects - #16 by ewpatton for an explanation.

As to my understand, screens are activities in an Android app, and you can't really push up the screen "limitations" by offloading data storage, but you can push the boundaries by using some tricks like this: Advanced simple multi-screen showcase, my multi-screen trick uses vertical arrangements and some codes to work like they're screens, does your dream app has screens that have the same compositions but different contents? you may save a lot of screens by doing some coding.

Sorry for the slow reply; I don't on this stuff some mid-weeks.

Processing your ideas now. Thank you.