I was making an alarm app but it doesn't work when I close this app. Is there any extensions I can use to make this app works in background?
I posted my project in gallery.
Hey woo11098085,
You can use the "Clock" component in MIT App Inventor to trigger your alarm even when the app is closed. Additionally, consider using the "Foreground Service" extension to keep your app running in the background and ensure the alarm functionality works seamlessly.
Yes, you can use this extension:
Itoo 4.1 Sky
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[BuildWithLove] [forthebadge]
Efficiently designed virtual background execution environment for App Inventor.
Powered by the ItooX framework .
It allows you to run blocks in background the same way you do normally when the app is active.
:star2: Please go through all the details and documentation listed below before you try to use the extension or seek help from others. Efforts have been made to be precise and simple at the s…
April 20, 2024, 2:18pm
usually you would use the alarmmanager functionality of your device, I can offer my alarmmanager extension for this App Inventor Extensions: Alarm Manager | Pura Vida Apps
it would be very ineffective to have a clock running all the time to check, if it is time to start an alarm...
I'm having a trouble switching tinydb to extenstion's store. Could you send me some code for that?
April 21, 2024, 12:19am
Here is a complete example for an alarmmanager, which uses only itoo
The aia file aims to create an alarm system based on a background system created with Itoo.
Reliability is maximum and it will always notify us exactly at the hour and minute marked as the alarm.
The app would manage the service, auto-starting when there are pending alarms and closing when there are no pending alarms in the database.
The application uses the following components
The aia consists of two parts:
1.- The Activity part
2.- The Service Part
1. In the activity par…
read my comment there why it is not a good idea to do it like this
Thank you @Mario1 for the tutorial, as we can see you know how to work with Itoo, you created an impressive example!
However there are 2 major disadvantages of your solution compared to a real alarmmanager like [PAID] Alarm Manager Extension with Notification or Autostart :
Your solution needs to display a persistent notification in the notification bar as it uses forground service. A real alarmmanager runs without that.
Your solution drains the battery heavily... as you set it up, your…
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