I would like some help on how to convert Canvas to Base64. I've tried many variations (ANKE, TIMAI etc...) but it doesn't work.
I would like to upload the image converted into a string to firebase.
Everything works, but the saved data gets the value ("File not found.").
Thanks for the quick response.
Yes, that's what I started with. CameraBase64 works perfectly, the received string is also added to firebase. Unfortunately, what I would need is to convert a modified image (canvas) and not a camera captured image. The installed extensions:
Here is your suggested test and the error message at runtime. (All direct canvas conversions give the same error)
This part doesn't throw an error, but I don't know where exactly it saves the file. Maybe it doesn't even save? Or have the libraries been changed again in the newer android version?
Of course, it would be better if the direct conversion worked...
Now fixed, download extension again, and restart companion, and try again. You may find it a bit slow with complex images, so perhaps use the progress dialog or similar....
Thank you very much for your very quick response. It works perfectly fine. There is no problem with "a little slowness", as I have options to avoid this observation. It does its job. I wish I knew how and how you do this.