Can you use databases are even a tiny bit relational with App Inventor?

I'm making some apps with some user inputs where I would like there to be tiny bit of relationship between the input. For example, one screen where the user input their favorite categories of dishes (say "soups" and "sandwiches").

But then, on another screen, users are able to name specific dishes. So there is a drop down for the category of dish (say soup or sandwich from the other screen) and then another field where they input the name of the dish (say "chicken soup" or "cheesestrak sandwich"). But the field from the category "table" is an field in the "dish" table.

Finally, there is perhaps a screen that lists all dishes the user has inputted, organized by categories. This seems pretty to accomplish databalistically, but the documentation for TinyDB is clear that it is not a relational database. Is there another solution that involves the data being saved permantly (even after the app is closed).

Thanks! If you point me to tutorials, kindly be specific with which one deals with this sort of thing.

Use SQLite as a local database on your device.

Here are two extensions you could try (not at the same time!):

If you want to use an online database, then try mySQL:

Checking this out now. Thank you!

The spreadsheet component gives you access to Google Sheets, where you can use =VLookup() functionality.

You can alternatively use AI2 lookup in pairs blocks or dictionary lookup in memory.

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Sorry for the slow reply. This is very useful. Thank you.