Capture EviaTexto (SendText) event:

Create an APP that sends SMS from a list of cell phone numbers. Sometimes there is no cell phone number in that list. Does the EnviaTexto (SendText) object have a way to capture the status of the SMS sending?

Show which api you are using and how you blocked in the Ai2

Excuse me, I´m from Argentina, use AI2 in Spanish.

Place a check (if/else block) in your blocks to test whether the phone number is present or not.

That's not the problem, I need to know if the message was sent or if it could not be sent since the number on the list does not belong to a cell phone.

Better to not try to send a message if a phone number is not there / or in the correct format. Good coding would be testing the number for validity before trying to send an SMS.

What you say is very correct, but it cannot always be fulfilled. The phone numbers are taken from a database. I am currently dedicated to data engineering. An ETL of them is previously performed. But sometimes the numbers can comply with the format of a cell phone number and not be one. Hence, the component should be able to have the way to capture events reported by Android messaging, in my case.

See here:

What I understand from reading the post you showed me is that there is currently no way to detect the status of an SMS sending with the SendText component. Which leaves me 3/4 of the way through the project. Thank you very much.

If you are using component from MIT and if there is no such option, then you need to find alternative by testing that component by doing experiments.

Like : The SendText Button already a feature that triggers only when all data and details are correct, if not it will show you an error.

If all correct then it will sendText to someone you decided, so you need to do remember about that, so use variables, notifiers and tinyDB or any.