Cloud-db or Firebasedb

Is it possible to secure the data like financial data in a specific device using cloud-db or firebase db and not visible multiple devices
I am not understanding the secure and usecure method, can someone explain it to me with blocks
To explian in few words I want to save my individual clients financial data.

Use firebase db

I tried saving the data and checked on 2 different devices but the data was not secured, it was visible on both devices

You need to do setup block like isAlreadyLoggedIn = true,

and also save this data in Firebase DB with user details and where you are showing details.

If the variable = false
then show data from the Firebase DB,
Else Notifier.ShowAlert.Text(Already Logged in)

I am not good at reading code, can show in blocks method

Okay I try it for you.

That will be helpful

Firebase | Basic Security Rules

Firebase | Avoid insecure rules

Firebase | User Based Security | Firebase Realtime Database

You didn't share your code so we don't know how you coded your app.

I expect you may use the same Tag for all users financial data and if so, certainly anyone can read it all probably. Do you save data with a Tag for each user and require the users to sign in to password protect individual accounts?

Do you encrypt user data and provide a code for each user to encrypt/de-encrypt? Doing so will provide some light weight security.

Please find the solution for your project by me.

This can be your solution.

AIA :-
Firebase.aia (44.1 KB)

Blocks :-

Add URL and Token in Designer With Bucket Yourself :-

I will surely try this and let you know,
Thank you :blush:

Sure! try it and let me know if you have any difficulty.

I have still not tried this, I will revert you soon