Conversione stringa (String conversion)

This is how to fit in the call to translate descriptions from English to Italian.

Are you sure .jfif is an image format supported by AI2?

I have never seen that format before.

What do the AI2 Image docs say?

sky stellato

I can't find in your code the place where you extract the sunrise and sunset from the JSON.

there are 2 labels with the image of sunrise and sunset alongside

Here is code for you to try, where Web1 returns ...

Hello, I can't create the piece enclosed in the red oval. I understand that it is a multiplication by 1000. You can send the Mymeteo.aia file
Thank you

To switch a block to that shape, right click it and select exterior sockets.

Also, my posted block images should be draggable in your browser.

honestly I do not understand ... exactly where I have to click with the right button

Show us what you see on the screen when you right click on the * block.

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A customer complains to a baker,
That raisin bread you sold me had a fly in it!
The baker:
Okay, bring me the fly and I will give you a raisin.

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I understood the meaning of the message ... for me it is the first time ... I like to learn .... to create the small blue block do I have to choose, after pressing the right key on the block, the make generic option? And the multiplication symbol ? (x)

You went looking in the wrong block pallette for the multiplication block.

Notice the math blocks are a slightly different color from the list blocks.

Th multiplication symbol is a little x.


This is the option to change the shape of a block between having sockets inside and sockets outside.

I created the rest...but I don't know how to proceed with the internal parameters

The generic option is for when you have a lot of the same component, like a chess board made of buttons, and you don't want to have to copy the same events from component to component. A single generic component can be used against all of them, reducing duplication of code.

It is for advanced coders who know how work with lists.

As you well know, I'm not an advanced programmer...and in any case I'm stuck at the crossroads about creating the mini-block in blue. Isn't it simpler that you just send the blocks (sunrise and sunset) to be able to insert them in the app? Thank you

The draggable blocks are in

sorry...I'm not very good...but by downloading I get an image it draggable? shouldn't be a .aia file