Converting MIT Appinventor APP to IOS

  1. Can we convert an existing APP from Android to IOS?
  2. If not, can we develop an MIT APPinventor APP for IOS mobile devices using a PC or do we need to use an Apple computer?
    Thank You.

May this helps you

No, this is not possible. Android apps work on Java and use .apk files. And it is not possible to convert/ run .apk files on iOS devices.
Refer: App Inventor apps for iOS
Refer: StackOverflow

No this is also not possible and currently in closed beta. Refer the same link as I posted before. However, you can develop apps for android devices using Chrome or Firefox browser in your PC and Apple computer too :slight_smile: . I use Windows so I don't know about MacOS devices.much.

Hope this helps!

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The build functionality is in closed beta, but you can use App Inventor on a PC to do the development and install it onto your iOS device. If you want to publish to the App Store, you will likely need a Mac due to how they've set up the delivery pipeline. This is all subject to change though.


How can we install the app on iOS in the future?
Will it work in a similar way to Thunkable?

Can you elaborate a little more on the delivery pipeline?

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I a interested by this question too (!) but I find no clear reply: I am not going to buy a Mac just to publish an iOS application on the Apple Store !

How to proceed to publish an iOS app on the Apple Store using a Windows based PC ??
Thank you

Use an Apple VM. You can then publish the app (After compiling).