Copy a Screen within MIT App Inventor

This tutorial will show you how to copy a screen in MIT App Inventor. This is useful when you need to have similar screens in your app. The same thing applies to duplicating blocks or components in your project.

  1. Go to the screen that you want to copy.

  2. Select the screen in the Components list, which is betweeen the Viewer and Properties.

  3. Hit the 'Copy' combination on your PC (for example, Windows is Ctrl+C)

  4. Create a new screen. Your copied components will place here.

  5. Hit the 'Paste' combination on your PC (for example, Windows is Ctrl+V)


Do not hit the 'paste' combination for long! If you do, you will have your components pasted on the screen many times.

The time of clicking the combination should be about the speed you press an English letter key in Google Docs. Just like this, if you press 'E' for 10 seconds, you will have many Es in Google Docs.

If you don't understand, watch the video below. I used Google Docs as annotations...
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A small grammar mistake in the video: it's hit, not hitted.

  • This tutorial is very useful!
  • This tutorial is not useful.

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It would be useful to mention

  • when is this useful
  • how to tell when you have done this too much

This works for the most part, it does not copy over all of the code, for instance, it did not copy over the initialize global variable blocks and it renames some of the procedures.

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Yes, it does not work with definitions. You will have to manually copy them to your Backpack (drag it to the backpack at the top right of your blocks editor workspace).

It is a great useful tips. Thanks

And copy between projects?


See Error d8 failed - #107 by ABG

for an example of Designer copy/paste across projects.

Reusable procedures can also be downloaded as draggable .png files, if you file them in an orderly manner.
