Create a dictionary with about 600 pairs faster

Hello everybody!
I have a dictionary with about 300 pairs and I need 300 more pairs.
Whenever I add jsut one pair with the drag and drop method I must wait a lot to see the proccess completed. Is there any fast way to add about 300 pairs?

Thank you, in advance!

Enter your pairs using a json or a Web.XMLT file perhaps?

See MIT App Inventor Dictionary Blocks

Hello, Steve!
I don't know how to use json or a Web.XMLT file, but I will search about it!!!
Thank you very much for your rsponse!!!

A spreadsheet is also good for typing up pairs, in a two column sheet.

You can export it as a CSV file and load it at startup from the Media folder into your dictionary.

This reduces your block count nicely.

Thank you very much!!!