Creating a Payment Reminder App with MIT App Inventor

Hello MIT App Inventor community,

I’m working on a project to develop an app that helps users manage and get reminders for important payment dates, such as social services payments or utility bills. I'm using MIT App Inventor to build this app and would love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Specifically, I’m looking for advice on:

  1. Implementing a reliable reminder system within the app.
  2. Best practices for storing and retrieving payment date data securely.
  3. Enhancing user experience with intuitive design and notifications.

Additionally, I’ve developed a tool that helps manage these payment schedules efficiently, focusing on user privacy and data security. If anyone is interested in integrating such functionalities into their own projects.

Looking forward to your suggestions and ideas!

At the moment I'm not sure that this is feasible with base App Inventor. In particular, we do not currently have a mechanism for scheduling notifications/reminders, so your first item is out. I do have a design doc for this and have been working on the cross-platform implementation, but it isn't ready yet. The second item is also a bit difficult in the core App Inventor product but there are some simple ciphers you could implement in blocks that might suffice. A longer term feature would be an option for encrypting a file on disk using the device's TPM, if one is available. Is there a reason to store the credentials on device in the app versus using another wallet, e.g., Apple Pay?