Creating Bluetooths apps via IOS 17.6 Ipad


Have some students in my Engineering class that are trying to get on the Wall of Fame using App Builder to make a directional controller app. We are using 17.6 IPAD IOS. We build app published it to gallery. It still will not show bluetooth connection on the IPAD. is it possible? been reading of problems, Is this fixed yet? been reading about a "fix" that was supposedly done in July. Im using an HC05 bluetooth to control Arduino. Hope to use this as students are familiar with scratch from elementary. Please get back to me on this. Unfortunately the alternative is swift app to build it.

The classic BluetoothClient component relies on the Serial Port Profile. However, Apple does not offer this as an option on iOS. If you want to use Bluetooth, you need to use Bluetooth low energy (CoreBluetooth). The version of the companion available via TestFlight adds preliminary BLE support for iOS.